By ThePILLARS Publication • April 21, 2024
Visuals by Byron Jon Delos Santos

For decades, Ateneo de Naga University (AdNU) has ingrained Ignatian teachings to its students such as living life with love and purpose, especially for the lost, the marginalized, and the vulnerable. Most of our student leaders and campus journalists have long been diligent in practicing these values outside the four corners of the classroom by actively joining movements and fighting for what is just. However, living a principled and mass-oriented life under an oppressive regime can pose a challenge, particularly to the outspoken youth who fearlessly reveal the truth. The realities faced by the current generation of Ateneo student leaders and campus journalists prove that today’s Marcosian rule does not fall far from its patriarch’s repressive measures back in the 70s’.

In times when oppression reigns, it is imperative that authority figures, like the university administration, make it their prime responsibility to wield their power to stand and protect their students. University administrators must prioritize their students’ security and welfare amongst other things. Though this may seem like the bare minimum, Ateneo still falls short in this aspect. Despite all the recent state-sponsored red-tagging incidents, surveillance, and threats to the Ateneo studentry, the university still has not heeded the students’ calls for protection and support. 

A proactive university administration upholding the rights of students remains a dream for AdNU student leaders and campus journalists.

Since July 2023, the official student publication of AdNU, ThePILLARS Publication, has been receiving information about an ongoing surveillance and harassment of its editors and staffers. It did not take long for the fear to settle in as the state forces targeted us one by one – starting from the alumni, then the current editors, following the regular members, and even down to the newly recruited apprentices. They follow the same narrative and tactics where they try to charm our parents with their sham sympathy and then later proceed to label our publication as a breeding ground for terrorists. 

As of writing, four alumni have received threats; one was harassed by members of the state forces just outside the university gates; three have received letters from the Armed Forces of the Philippines; five have resigned due to fear and intimidation, and; six have been visited in their homes and are still being persuaded by the state forces to comply to their unlawful demands. 

Tino, a student activist from the Department of Media Studies, has endured repeated visits and intimidation from the Naga City Mobile Force Company. When he refused and tried to assert his rights, he was bullied into signing a document saying he would no longer aid the New People’s Army front organizations. With his illegally obtained signature on the document, Tino is put in further danger and injustice as it implies that he had associations with the front organizations — which he firmly refutes. Tino’s story is just one of the many unsettling cases of students who are currently being targeted by state forces.

Looking at those numbers and the fact that these cases have been going on for months, the silence of the university administration is truly alarming. The ongoing crackdown has been affecting the mental disposition of the students and unnecessarily instills fear in places that are supposed to be giving them security and peace. 

Despite the constant efforts of the student leaders and campus journalists to call for concrete support from the administration, their calls remain neglected. The silence from the administration leaves the victims with no choice but to face this battle among themselves until the university heeds. 

Now more than ever, it is vitally important for Ateneo to make its stance loud and clear. It is now the time for the university to prove that the Ignatian institution truly lives up to its principles of standing for the truth and the people. During Martial Law commemorations and other notable events in history, Ateneo has been known for its active participation in mass movements. Today, we have seen how the university hung banners that said Never Again, Never Forget, No to Violence against Women, and other critical calls for justice at the famed Four Pillars. These acts will remain performative streaks if the university does not take action in the face of an actual injustice being done to their students. 

No matter how long the authorities cover their ears and continue living in ignorance, there is no denying that the freedom of the press is under attack. There is an ongoing crackdown on AdNU student journalists yet the administration remains mum. Though disheartening, this is not a sign to stop and live in cowardice, but this is a reminder of why we must stand our ground. Press freedom is a vital element of democracy. It is one of the causes our martyrs and Ignatian priests have fought for until their death. Let it not go to waste. Let not the oppressors claim another innocent life before we act. This is a call for everyone to let the fight live on.


ThePILLARS Publication

Managing Writer

For a freer campus press!


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